Do you read articles about personal finance in the Financial Times? If so, then here are some common terms you might find useful. Considering that how you manage your money will have a big impact on your quality of life, it’s a pity that some native speakers don’t care much for this topic.
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Level: Suitable for those familiar with finance or B2/Upper Intermediate+
- The total money you make in a year is called your i_c_m_. The money you have left to spend after you have covered your bills is called d_s_osa_le i_c_m_
- If you make money in some way, you are required by law to file a t_x r_t_r_ at the end of each financial year.
- One way to invest your money is to buy s_a_es in a company. Once you have invested in these, you will want to have a nice r_t_r_ on investment, either in the form of capital g_o_t_ or by getting a d_v_d_n_ once or twice a year. The person who can help you buy these s_a_es is called a b_o_e_.
- If you’d like the help of a bank in order to buy a house, you might a_p_y f_r a m_r_g_g_.
- If you go to the bank, you can open up a regular s_v_n_s account or you can put some of your money in a t_r_ d_p_s_t, which allows you to get a higher r_ _ e o_ _nt_r_s_.
- Another way to make money is to invest in a p_o_e_ty, such as a house, and receive r_n_a_ i_c_m_ from your tenants.
- Most banks these days offer m_b_l_ b_n_i_g, which allows you to manage your account from your smart phone or iPad.
- You can choose to invest in b_n_s, which is where a government or corporation loans the money from you in order to f_n_n_e a variety of projects.
- If you sell an a_s_t, such as a house, and you make more money than what you paid for it, you have made a capital g_in. The opposite is where you make a capital l_s_.
- Financial experts often advise investors to have a range of investments, called a p_r_f_l_o.
Check below for the answers!
- The total money you make in a year is called your income. The money you have left to spend after you have covered your bills is called disposable income.
nb the money you earn from your job is called a salary or wage, whereas income includes money from other sources. - If you make money in some way, you are required by law to file a tax return at the end of each financial year.
- One way to invest your money is to buy shares in a company. Once you have invested in these, you will want to have a nice return on investment, either in the form of capital growth or by getting a dividend once or twice a year. The person who can help you buy these shares is called a broker.
nb Some people refer to shares as stocks. For most people they mean the same, but experts say there’s a small difference. - If you’d like the help of a bank in order to buy a house, you might apply for a mortgage.
- If you go to the bank, you can open up a regular savings account or you can put some of your money in a term deposit, which allows you to get a higher rate of interest.
- Another way to make money is to invest in a property, such as a house, and receive rental income from your tenants.
- Most banks these days offer mobile banking, which allows you to manage your account from your smart phone or iPad.
- You can choose to invest in bonds, which is where a government or corporation loans the money from you in order to finance a variety of projects.
- If you sell an asset, such as a house, and you make more money than what you paid for it, you have made a capital gain. The opposite is where you make a capital loss.
- Financial experts often advise investors to have a range of investments, called a portfolio.
[…] [Note: If this article is a bit difficult for your level please check out this short list of very useful financial terms here] […]