Most students like to follow. They wait till the teacher asks them a question, then they respond.
Occasionally, they might ask their teacher or classmate: “What do you think?”
The pattern is ‘teacher leads, student follows’ but then you go out into the real world, without practising your ability to lead.
Student challenge
This week why don’t you come to class, having chosen the topic you’d like to discuss? Choose what you most want to focus on.
Be ready to lead the discussion. Have some questions ready, and follow up on the answers in class.
Of course this should be easier to do if you have individual lessons or if you’re in a small group.
If you’ve paid to be in a big class, I guess you’ll continue to be a follower, especially if you are attending a traditional course.
But for those of you who know it’s time to lead more, it really has to come from you directly, and from your desire to speak effortlessly and to communicate freely.
Insist on it. It’s your turn to lead, it’s your turn to step up to the plate.
Francisco Javier says
Lead and succeed.
By the way, I’ve just realised this is another binomial.
PS: I’ve run a search for “lead and succeed” and seems common enough.
David Sweetnam says
Franciso, I should have a notebook with me too to record these. Just now I wrote to someone having a ‘rough and rocky’ week. You can add ‘rough and ready’ as another, and suddenly more come to mind.
Then there’s ‘lead and/or follow’..
Francisco Javier says
They’ll all be added sooner or later.
David Sweetnam says
Yeah, hope it’ll all be up and running in no time